NOW, You say Brother Johnny has lost his mind now,
So I say lets ask Dr.
Jim Panzee the question, "Say Dr. can you have to much Salvation?"

Well, Dr. Jim Panzee, Brother Johnny says
You can have too much Salvation for some of those
that are roundabout you; like your job, school or even your kin folks that
think you’re a religious whacko - even some in
your own church family.
Now let me explain, we all have the same amount of Salvation
but some folks really express their Salvation through shouting and tears and joy
and when these excited Christians get in a dead Church the dead ones say the
live ones has TOO MUCH SALVATION and I say I "want"
to be identified with those that are labeled as having to TOO
MUCH SALVATION AMEN ! AMEN ! I know my crowd, hey I like
the Maze Jackson, Oliver B, Dr. Sightler, Buck Huntley, Percy Ray crowd that
shouted the house down with praises unto GOD, the dead crowd would say these old
shouters "well they just have TOO MUCH
lets see some places where there was TOO MUCH SALVATION
There was too
much Salvation for the WHALE !!!
Now you know the story of the Whale in Jonah Ch
2. Now that Whale could stand Jonah alright, until
V. 9 When Jonah said "Salvation is of the
LORD" the whale could not handle that testimony so
he puked up Jonah. Now I have never healed
anybody, but like Jonah I have made many sick by saying
Salvation is only by JESUS CHRIST GOD’S darling son
and His finished work at Calvary, not baptism or Church
Now I am going to say something and you can disfellowship me
or put my head on a chopping block when I say this. But, I have never had to
argue with a Southern Baptist on Salvation and how to get to Heaven, but I
have over 1,000 times with Independent Baptists.
I still believe for you to be born again a person has to REPENT
amen amen I believe what JESUS said, not what Jack said.
But Like Festus in Acts 27:24 said to Paul, "you have TOO
MUCH SALVATION until its driving you crazy" and they will say the
same about you if you preach turn or burn Repentance.
There was too much Salvation for the Jail !!!
In Acts 16 ole Paul and Silas, bleeding and in pain but
enjoying Salvation, they just had TOO MUCH SALVATION to stop
praising GOD.
I was in Jail with Freddie Gage in Houston and when Freddie
got saved from a life of crime he went wild and us jail birds thought
to ourselves this is TOO MUCH SALVATION.
There was too
much Salvation in The PAIL !!!
John 4: The woman at the well with her pail, went home with
the whole well after JESUS told her that her bucket had a hole in it.
Oh JESUS had TOO MUCH SALVATION to offer her.
It didn’t matter if she was a Samaritan or had been married five times.
This crowd now days would have throwed her down the well but
that shows this crowd don’t have TOO MUCH
SALVATION. No, they just don’t have any
salvation. Amen! Amen! Amen! like it or lump it.
Luke 15 The Prodigal dropped his pail,
and jumped the rail, and hit the trail. GLORY !!!
too much Salvation to TELL !!
I thought after I got saved and called to persecute
the saints, that I could preach that whole Bible in six months. I
was dumb dumb.
Sometimes even testifying I get where I just can't tell
about Salvation so I just say its better felt than telt Amen! Amen!
There’s too much
Salvation to SELL !!!
Bill Gates or Wal-Mart cannot buy what you and I have and it
was given freely.
To be honest I hate to go into a Church that sells anything.
We have turned the Gospel into merchandise, until folks are
like Simon in Acts 8 thinking you can buy it on a payment plan. Hey,
I know some missionaries that have fake Churches that raise all kinds of money
to save the Jews and some of these Churches are in nursing homes (big captive
congregation, huh?) or some churches (so called) that after two yrs don’t
have six people but drawing support from eighty Churches to save the Jew.
So they are selling salvation to the Jews at the gentiles
Too much
Salvation for HELL !!!!
Hell has a problem with us children of GOD because we just
have TO MUCH SALVATION for that place.
Now lots of times fellas cuss me out through email, leave a
fake name, and tell me to "go to Hell," so I say,
"I ain't gonna do it cause I don’t go to your home when you ain't
there. I don’t like your
There was so
much Salvation behind that veil !!!!
Oh glory to GOD there is a new living way.
The day that Christ died the veil was rent from top to bottom
and the last lamb died. Did you know that the JEWS
sewed up the veil to stop people from entering in after GOD the Father
destroyed that veil. The Jews would say STOP!
STOP! you can't enter in, oh my friend ever since Calvary JESUS is
saying "I opened a new way come In I have MUCH SALVATION
for any asking sinner."
I pray that you can see there was to much Salvation for
Whale, Jail, Pail, To Tell, To Sell, For Hell, and the Veil.